Sunday, October 18, 2009

good ship lolipop

the balloon says 'listo'.. whoa, ballers eve playa.

here is a dream my friend Anna Kate had:
"basically, we were in NYC only it was actually just a really huge movie set/department store not unlike 'the truman show' situation.  i was walking around trying hard to get a job all day but lauren finally hooked up a 6:30 interview at this soap boutique where she worked.  i bailed on it because this party started poppin' on my roof back home.  so then lauren shows up at my crib with savannah in tow, kind of pissed but also like 'whatever i don't care,' and y'all start telling me to come with you but who knows where we're going.  we wander around, take the subway for a while, cruise a few strips we know, then finally come to this regular ol' door with an EXIT sign above it.  it opens to this giant empty parking lot, and i realize we were inside a building we thought was NYC the whole time.  savannah pulls a skateboard out of her pocket and and a giant ice cream cone out of her other pocket, both shaped like hearts, and lauren pops out her heelies and you guys go cruising around the lot doing this radical squiggly wave dance to the disco trance music surrounding us.  savannah was waving at other skaters she knew.  i was feeling excited about this strange new landscape and started munching on the ice cream cone savannah had asked me to hold for her.  she spied me bogarding her treats and peeled over to ask me what was i doing???  i could tell things were about to get hairy so i woke up"

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